Sun Transit in Cancer – 17th July 2023

Sun Transit in Cancer – 17th July 2023

After leaving the sign of Gemini, Sun is all set to make its next transitional move in the sign of Cancer. This transit of Sun in Cancer will happen on 17th July 2023 and will remain there till 17th August 2023. Further, the Sun will be transiting to the sign of Leo for a month. According to astrology, the change of Sun’s positioning happens every month and this event is referred as ‘Surya Sankranti’.

Effects of Sun’s Transition in Cancer

Sun has been universally believed to be the symbol of soul and universe. However, in Vedic Astrology, Sun is given the highest significance and is referred to as the King of the Planets. Its light illuminates Earth and other planets of the solar system. Often it is regarded as the most important deity and the source of life, light and energy to the planet Earth. In fact, it has been believed that specific positioning of the Sun lays significant influence on the important aspects of human life.

Since, the ruler of the Cancer sign is Moon, with whom the Sun has a friendly relationship, the one-month transit of the Sun in Cancer sign will have different effects on the lives of people. Sun is basically a fiery planet, whereas the Cancer sign is dominated by the water element – Moon. Thus, it will be a phase of impactful changes that will be influencing the lives of people born under different zodiac signs.

Sun’s Transition Effects on Every Zodiac Sign


The transit of Sun in Cancer may be challenging for the people of this sign. Health of your mother may be little concerning, so take care of her health. It’s advisable for you to use words thoughtfully during conversations with your colleagues at your workplace. Try keeping away yourself from controversies of any sort. However, at social level, you may influence people through your words. Your health will be normal during this phase. For the students belonging to this zodiac sign, this is an excellent time. Help from people of this sign will be forthcoming, which will remove all the obstacles in education for the students of this sign.


For the people belonging to this sign, this transit phase will prove to be a boon. There will be a boost in your courage and bravery. In fact, the decisions taken and work accomplished will be appreciated. Social reputation will significantly increase. There will be lots of success coming on the way through best efforts. It is advisable to not grow any sort of differences with younger brother in the family. There will be a growth in inclination for spirituality and religious aspects. Efforts made for citizenship in foreign country or towards job will prove to be beneficial.


The phase of Sun transiting in Cancer will give mixed results to the people of this sign. It is advisable to be careful regarding health and especially eye-related disorders. Make best efforts to control your passion and stubbornness. Refrain yourself from quarrels and disputes and try settling the matters outside court. Any matter regarding land or ancestral property will be resolved. Ignore being a victim to any sort of conspiracy at the workplace. Try to avoid situations that can be the reason for stress in the family life.


For the Cancer, the influence of the transiting Sun will bring excellent outcomes. However, regarding health, there may be situations of suffering physical pain. Thus, it is advisable to not let any sort of vitamin deficiency in the body. The planned work in the departments of the central or state government will be accomplished. This transit phase will be favourable for those applying for any kind of government tender. There can be an opportunity of interacting with elite people of the society.


For the people of Leo, this phase of sun transition may not be good as expected. There can be situation of excessive effort making in different aspects of life which may cause financial challenges as well. It is important to be cautious about the health of your parents. For the Leo students who might be appearing in any sort of competition, this is the phase of making extra efforts to attain good marks in the examination. Concerns regarding child may be troubling. In love related matters, there can be indifference. For the people from creative work, success may be there.


For the people of this sign, this transiting phase of Sun may bring immense profits. There will be an increase in the source of income. The tasks accomplished and decisions made will be appreciated. This transiting phase of Sun in Cancer will be beneficial for those willing to start something big or about to sign a new contract. For the newlywed couples, it’s an immensely favourable time to plan a child. However, it is advisable for the people of this sign to not let sort of differences to grow with senior members or elder siblings of the family. 


It’s an excellent time for the Libra people as this transiting phase will bring great achievements. Every well-planned thought will prove to be effective and happening well that may bring the expected outcomes. For those willing to try their luck in any field of election, this planetary phase will be favourable in that regards. It will be a period of active participation in the central or state government departments, and one may expect some gains from such authorities as well. There will be full cooperation from the higher officials which may again prove beneficial for the people of this sign.


For the Scorpio, the transiting Sun will bring success in different aspects of life. There are chances of good fortune and an increased inclination for religious and spiritual aspects. This phase is definitely favourable for signing a new contract. In fact, people are likely to get involved with religious institutions and may also get into charity work. There are chances of winning over adverse situations on being immensely courageous. However, it is advisable for the people of this sign to keep plans and strategies confidential until its completion.


While transiting, the effects of the Sun will be unpredicted for the Sagittarius. However, land or ancestral property related matter may resolve during this phase and bring relief from mental stress. Respect and status in the society will be amplified but regarding health this will be a tough time. Be cautious as people won’t hold back in making conspiracy against you. If dealing with any court case, it is advisable for you to settle the case outside the court. 


This phase of Sun in Cancer sign may prove to be little problematic in the marital relationship of people belonging to this sign. It is advisable to make efforts in reducing the growth of differences with in-laws. However, this planet shift will be good for people in business. There may be indications of court cases or any sort of dispute coming in your favour. Training work in the central or state government will be completed. Also, for those applying for any sort of Govt. tender, then this is definitely a favourable phase to benefit from.


This is one of the most favourable transitions of the Sun for the Aquarius people but still remain cautious about some matters. The business work will be progressing and the decision taken or work accomplished will be acclaimed. For the students appearing in the competition this is the phase of making more efforts to attain excellent result in the examination. During this phase there will be indifference in love relationships. It is advisable to be cautious in love matters and focus more on the business matters. Concerns regarding child may increase and bother the Aquarians during this phase.


This is the phase of unexpected outcomes for the Pisces. With spiritual inclination, there will be an increase in respect in the society. The sources of income may increase and money debt paid for long time may be returned during this phase. Along with probability of communicating with elder members of the family, there will be chances of child birth. Despite the fact, there may be indifference in the love relationship with spouse.

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