‘Jayeshtha Purnima’ (Full Moon- June 2023) & Its Effects on all Signs

‘Jayeshtha Purnima’ (Full Moon- June 2023) & Its Effects on all Signs
On 4th June 2023, the Moon will be in Full Moon phase and will be completely illuminated as seen from the Earth. This phase of the Moon happens when it moves on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. This position of the Moon illuminates with sunlight falling on it and hence is brightly visible in the night sky as it rises during the sunset in the east. This phenomenon occurs while Moon is transiting the meridian at midnight and further the Moon sets down as the sunrise in the west.
The Full Moon (Purnima) will occur on 4th June 2023 and it is referred to as ‘Jayeshtha Purnima’ in India.
‘Jayeshtha Purnima’ (Full Moon) – 4th June 2023: The Traditional Belief
According to the Hindu Calendar, the 3rd month of the year is referred as Jayeshtha. This month arrives during the peak of summers, i.e., in the months of May and June. As per Vedic Astrology, the beginning of the Jayeshtha month happens when Sun enters Taurus during the second month of the year. Thus, Purnima (Full Moon) falling during this month is referred to as ‘Jayeshtha Purnima’.
Considering the traditions of India, the term ‘Jayeshtha’ signifies the senior-most or the first and foremost. In the Hindu scripture ‘Vishnu Sahastra Naam Strotram’, Lord Vishnu has been referred to as ‘Jyeshtha Shreshtha Prajapita’. As Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this specific day of Full Moon, it has been named as ‘Jyeshtha Purnima’.
Significance of ‘Jyeshtha Purnima’ (Full Moon)
It has been believed that fasting on the day of Jayeshtha Purnima blesses the married women with long life of their husband and brings a blissful marital life. The Jayeshtha Purnima’s significance also lies in the belief that married women taking a dip in the holy river Ganga on Purnima are blessed and their personal and professional desires get fulfilled. It is believed that worshipping Lord Vishnu on this day is considered a boon for the physical wellbeing and mental peace of a person. Women observing this festival and its rituals are believed to bring happiness, prosperity, and success in their life and in the life of their family members.
Astrological Significance of ‘Jyeshtha Purnima’ (Full Moon)
This Full Moon in June 2023 will take place in the sign of Sagittarius, which is the last fire sign with Jupiter, the planet of abundance, as the ruling planet. Astrologically, this phenomenon brings a lot of promise. Sagittarius signifies the probabilities of travelling and exploration, it brings about the inclination towards enhancing knowledge, philosophical deeds and proficiency in expressing own ideas.
The full Moon of June 2023 will bring hope, positive vibes, and fruition of plans. Every zodiac will be finding it an optimistic phase to courageously take on new conquests and follow their goals.
This full Moon will be complimenting Mars, the planet of desire and motivation. Further it will be clashing with Saturn, which is the planet of the rules and discipline. However, this won’t be negatively affecting all the signs since Jupiter which is friendly with Saturn will be encouraging all signs in achieving long-term goals.
Effects of Full Moon (Puranmasi) on all Signs
This sign of fire is ruled by the planet Mars which will be complimenting the Full Moon phase happening during June 2023. This will bring new opportunities such as settling abroad and finding peace in soul-searching journey.
The people of this sign will have a time of fulfilment of their desires. They will find the sense of comfort in their romantic relationship, and may find it the best time to focus on the financial aspects of their lives.
During this Full Moon phase, native of this sign may be experiencing some defining moments in their romantic relationship. There will be opportunities of building a long-term commitment with their loving partner and make crucial decisions in romantic relationship.
For Cancer this Full Moon may be a career defining phase. People would be focusing more on their jobs. They may also find it the ideal phase in creating the much-needed semblance in their professional goals and their health aspects.
For Leo, this phase of Full Moon is all about family. They will be spending memorable time with their close and dear ones, including their romantic partner and child. Even single people of this sign may go back to their ex-lovers.
People of this sign are practical and goal-oriented. During this phase of Full Moon, they may feel their attention towards home and household aspects. They may get influenced during this full Moon phase for a selfless act towards a loving family member.
Libra people are immensely inclined towards the creative sector and for the ones already in the creative fields like advertising or writing this full Moon may bring lots of success in related fields and many new opportunities for progressing further.
This Full Moon phase will bring different transformations for the Scorpions. They will remain focussed towards wealth creation, restoration, and preservation. This will bring opportunities for achieving stability in wealth.
For Sagittarius, this phase of Full Moon will bring expected results of all efforts regarding work. They will get a chance to take a stock of their personal relationship for which they may be prompted to take tough calls.
Capricorn may see some mental stress, hence, a word of caution to prioritize their mental health over anything in life at present. They may feel a bit overwhelmed with their emotions. Best would be to keep in touch with near ones and share feelings with them.
During this phase of Full Moon, Aquarius natives will be inclined to party, have fun and socialise with people. This full Moon phase will bring more of a period to enjoy life, rather than remaining busy with professional activities.
For Pisces, full Moon of June 2023 will bring a lot of great career opportunities to prosper. A promotion in the existing job or a new job is on the cards. One has to take this phase positively and keep up the tempo at work.
The Full Moon is a very crucial Astronomical phenomenon which has very significant Astrological outcomes too. This phase brings important effects on all the signs which may not only have an impact during this period, but also in the times to follow. Hence, the relevance of the effects may have long term impact thereby increasing the importance of Full Moon for everyone.